Member Area

What is ICCCS Education Committee (IEC)?

The IEC is an integrated part of the ICCCS

The goal of the IEC is harmonizing and sharing cleanroom courses. The IEC promotes the preparation and accreditation of internationally-recognized educational courses for people who design and test and monitor, operate, and work as operators in cleanrooms. 

The IEC accredits Cleanroom and Contamination courses that treat subjects according to the relevant ISO standards. Courses are accredited within an ‘Accreditation Guidelines’ set down by the IEC. People attending courses will be certified by examination and each successful candidate is awarded a certificate with the ICCCS Education logo and has their name placed on the website.

A quality assurance system has been established to ensure a high standard of courses, and includes such requirements as:

  1. Suitable course content
  2. Relevant and up-to-date notes or textbooks
  3. Expert Lecturers
  4. The setting of clear and unambiguous exam questions
  5. Suitable exam marking practices
  6. Board to audit the course and exams
  7. Public traceability of a person’s certificate

The IEC activities are coordinated by a member of the executive board of the ICCCS. 

IEC gets income from a €10 fee for each candidate that passes an IEC exam. Costs are made for the expenses for the writing of documents, the processing of the submissions, costs of meetings, administration and various other expenses. Societies are responsible for the costs to attend the IEC meetings and the running of IEC accredited courses and website with the name of the candidates to whom and when a certificate is issued.

As a training body one can get ICCCS Education accreditation through a national society that is a member of the ICCCS.

The members of the IEC: 

  • Andre van Tongeren (Chair)
  • Andreea Olaru
  • Chris Delaney
  • Sant Advani
  • Francesco Romano

IEC Objectives


Harmonizing cleanroom education and training throughout the world according to TC209 ISO standard (14644 and 14698)


Fundamental principle of Professional Certification through Examination


Stimulate international education in cleanroom technology and contamination control


Encourage International co-operation & exchange of courses

  • Between national cleanroom societies
  • Between cleanroom users and professionals