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The Cleanroom Industry Is Looking For 50 Young Professionals

Who is “Young Professional”?

Apart from being young as an age, young professionals are all new CONTAMINATION CONTROL industry members seeking an area to grow, learn and give back to their community. Not limited to knowledge, we are looking for the new generation of our ICCCS committees, active members from our societies, and enthusiasts looking to be active but don’t know where to start.

Why are we searching 50 Young Professionals?

With the “50 Young Professionals” project, newly involved sector professionals from every age group will have the chance to attend the ISCC events as well as the ICCCS Accredited Course and trainings created for them. These sector professionals which will be informed about the ICCCS procedures and committees, are aimed to be candidates for the critical positions in the ICCCS organization.

What’s ICCCS?

The International Confederation of Contamination Control Societies is an international community for national society on cleanrooms and contamination control. From each country only one society can be a member and represent their country. At the moment there are 19 members. One member R3 Nordic even represents 4 countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland).

ICCCS members organise an international symposium every 2 two years in the even years.

ICCCS stimulates the development and exchange of cleanroom technology and contamination control courses and provides international accreditation to courses of members that fulfil the IEC guidelines. ICCCS has an liaison with the TC209, the Technical Committee of cleanroom standard International meetings of ICCCS, IEC and TC209 are aligned yearly.


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