Member Area

What is ICCCS Technical Committee (ITC)?

The ICCCS's mission is to strengthen societies and to be relevant.

The core activity is knowledge exchange. The collection of knowledge is the task of the ICCCS Technical Committee (ITC).

The ITC generates and supplies new knowledge to the member societies through the 3 other ICCCS committees: Education, Communication, and Member Benefits and the Symposium and Events. 

The ITC monitors developments in the field of contamination control and its applications.

The ITC provides content for the newsletter and knowledge center.

The ITC develops guidance on how to use the ISO standards and related questions and answers.

The ITC contributes to the young professional program by proposing and providing content and experts for webinars and tutorials together with the IEC.

The ITC performs alliance activities with the ISO TC209 and CEN TC243

The ITC should establish new alliances with relevant TCs and other relevant organizations.

The ITC provides position papers on actual topics where more guidance is needed e.g. Annex1.

ITC will also seek to establish road maps for future developments.

The members of the ITC: 

  • Frans Saurwalt (Chair)
  • Orkun Özkurt
  • Kim Hagström (secretary)
  • Kari Solem Aune (secretary)
  • vacancy
  • vacancy

The committee wants to expand with interested and experienced younger members to ensure a good future. Experts that are willing to offer knowledge and/or discuss various subjects with experts of ICCCS members can join the ITC.